Below are the frequently asked questions and the respective answers for virtual assistant services.
The part-time virtual assistant will work 4 hours a day (20 hours/week). He/she will give daily updates to the client.
The full-time virtual assistant will work 8 hours a day (40 hours/week). He/she will give daily updates to the client.
This depends on your preference. The virtual assistant can also work during your working hours.
The success manager will make sure that every task of the virtual assistant is done very well and the deadlines are met.
You will collaborate with the virtual assistant and his success manager through a communication platform that you prefer such as Slack, Google Chat, Asana, Skype, Teams, Messenger, WhatsApp, and many other available platforms.
You do! All the work done by your dedicated virtual assistant will be yours. You have 100% ownership of the copy or files that the staff has done.
It is one virtual assistant for every subscription. You’d have to subscribe again for a second virtual assistant depending on your need.
Nope! Pay month-to-month and pause or cancel at any time.